We hope you enjoy these 18 ways to treat yourself with more love—in order to feel joy and give the best version of yourself to the people around you!
We all have a woman in our life who never sits down.
She cooks and cleans, works and volunteers, reads stories and packs the lunches. Basically, she tends to everyone’s needs before her own.
For some, that woman might be you.
I spent a few years traveling down that road too. In fact, some weeks I open my eyes and find myself unwittingly on it yet again.
But most of the time, I know that I’m the best version of myself when I step off that tiring, endless path and devote some time and mental energy to nurturing my soul.
That’s the woman I want to give to my friends, husband, sons, and daughter. A woman whose inner voice is kind, whose connection to her people is strong, and whose plate is just empty enough to leave room for real living.
I hope these 18 ways to treat yourself with more love help you and me both become the kind of woman we want to be.
18 Ways to Treat Yourself with More Love
1. Go to sleep early. Too often I think of going to sleep as surrender, like I’m forfeiting precious evening hours when no one needs me. But thinking of it as a way to love myself makes sleep feel luxurious. It’s a great mind trick.
2. Do a thought download. Chaos inside our minds can keep us from taking care of ourselves and from loving the people around us. Take a few minutes to write down every thought of your mind, including the negative ones. It’s a chance to set some of those thoughts free—and find a little more space and compassion inside your head.
3. Buy a plant. I’m a big believer in the revitalizing power of having plants around you.
4. Read Kamal Ravikant’s book, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. It’s a short read documenting Kamal’s rock bottom and his undivided quest to care for himself again. (Tip: He narrates the audio version, and it’s great. More on the book here.)
5. Experiment with a new makeup technique. YouTube is like customer support for the makeup impaired; utilize it! It feels good to try something new.
6. Take a personality test. When you know yourself, you can leverage your strengths and quit trying to be someone you just aren’t. {7 Personality Tests to Help You Live Your Truest Story} Plus, self-discovery is exhilarating!
7. Inhale deeply the moment you step outside your house. Notice how the morning air smells instead of rushing through it. {24 Self-Care Practices for Mothers}
8. Unplug from social media for as long as you need. Or consider having one unplugged day a week, like Sundays.
9. Detangle your productivity and your self-worth. As much as it may feel like they’re connected, believe that they are not.
10. Prioritize your physical health, and find exercise that you enjoy. Whether it’s yoga or barre classes or trail running, find exercise that fills you up.
11. Take a hot bath or a shower—undisturbed. This is key. My life satisfaction jumped up two notches when I started bathing after the kids went to bed. Bonus points for lighting a candle!
12. Get a professional sounding board. AKA a therapist. During some seasons, this is the best gift you can give yourself.
13. Give your life a soundtrack. Great music can help you see the big picture. Take advantage of this power by turning on your favorite playlists or Pandora stations when you’re driving carpool or helping with homework. (Insert clenched-teeth emoticon!)
14. Cultivate your sense of adventure and play.
15. Keep a happy file. Artwork your children have made for you, notes your spouse jotted on his way out the door, birthday cards from your mom. 🙂 Pull them out on your down days, and remember how loved you really are.
16. Carefully watch your self-talk. You spend approximately 16 waking hours per day with the voice inside your head. You deserve an inner voice that treats you with care.
17. Take some pressure off yourself by believing that your kids are who they are. They’re ours for a while, but we’re on borrowed time. We can help shape them, but they will write their own stories. {Let Them Learn}
18. Spend time outside, and focus on each sensation. Wind in your hair, sun on your face, sand in your toes, pine needles under your tennis shoes—whatever it is, notice it and appreciate it.
Photo credit: Tevi Hardy Photography with Ashley of Raspberry Glow posing with her cute son
This is a great reminder, Erica, with fun actionable tips. Will share this post! ❤️
?…it’s like you’ve read my mind. I’ll be sharing this & connecting with you on Facebook & wherever else you may be. I NEEDed this!
Thank you for this. On a morning where my self doubt is deafening, this has reminded me that I am not alone. Kay