Summer is here and with it so many photo opportunities! To make sure you capture these (fleeting) summers with your kids, why not try a photography project that will help you document your summer?
Here are four different projects you can start today that will help you capture precious memories from these lazy summer days.
#1 – Summer Bucket List
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need a bit of motivation to pick up my camera! Working to a list of prompts can be a great way to keep yourself motivated, and to make sure you are capturing everything you want to.
There are loads of summer photo checklists out there to help you with this particular project, and in fact you can find one a great one right here at Simple As That! Rebecca has a free download with 50 Summer Photo Prompts: either use it as is, or create your own “bucket list” using the prompts as inspiration.
#2 – 30 or 100 Days of Summer Photography Project
Another popular photography project for summer is to capture “100 days of Summer”. The idea is pretty simple – you take an image every day for the whole of summer.
For many of us (myself included) it is a rather daunting task to take a photo every day for over three months, so how about 30 days of summer instead? Just pick a day, and start shooting!
#3 – Summer Scavanger Hunt Project
A Scavanger Hunt sounds similar to a bucket list, but it is a little bit different. There are loads of challenges to be found online (I am hosting one myself on my blog Live Snap Love – you can check it out here. I’d love for you to come and join us!)
Instead of longer prompts, a scavenger hunt just has simple one word prompts for you to capture, such as ‘Berries”, “Pink” or “Sunglasses” – when you see it, snap a picture of it!
This can be such a fun one to do with your kids – I know my son likes to get involved and does the challenge along with me! They can either take their own camera with them (my son has a “tough” camera that he uses for this!) or they can help by pointing out the items on the list. If you’re really lucky, they might even model for you 🙂
#4 – A Day of Your Summer / Vacation
If some of these photography projects sound a little bit too much like hard work, how about shooting images for just one day? Grab your camera first thing in the morning, and then take images through the day, from beginning to end. Although there is no rule to this, try to take an image at least every hour.
By the end of the day you will have captured a full day or memories, and have a varied range of pictures to look back on.
If you do decide to this one, here’s a little tip for you: make sure you get your camera ready the night before so you are ready to go in the morning. Have your camera battery charged, and a clear memory card slotted in, so you don’t get caught out when you are just about to take your first picture 🙂
I hope you all have a great summer, and enjoy documenting the days!
Hi Audrey, I’m new to your website and I already know it’s going to be one of my favorites! Photography is what caught my attention on Pinterest. I absolutely love the photo of the boy in blue shirt walking towards the water at the beach on this page. It’s absolutely gorgeous and hope that one day I’ll be able to take photos like that one. Thank you for all your tips, I’ve been on many photography websites and all give great tips but none as helpful and simple explanations as yours!