I can’t believe another week has gotten away from me again! These last few weeks of pregnancy are supposed to drag on and on, are they not?? At least I’m sure they did with the first two. This time around I find myself scrambling for time….I’m wishing I had another couple extra weeks actually. 😉
I’ve had sick kids this week which hasn’t been fun. I think we’re on the mend now though and I’m thankful that it came now and we’ve gotten it all out of our systems before baby arrives (knock on wood!)
So this week has gone a little something like this….
monday morning Randal’s parents left – they are going to be serving a mission for our church for 18 months in Salt Lake City
garage doors were installed on wednesday night
I had which will hopefully be one of my last prenatal dr’s appointments thursday and went down to preregister at the hospital.
we put in 3-4 late nights at the house putting up moldings and door trim
got the babysitting co-op all organized and ready to go for next week.
Simple’s newest special issue arrived at my house and I’ve had so much fun reading it! you’ve got to check this one out…tonnes of great project ideas, lot’s of great laughs!
I’ve been making lot’s of baby bracelets and had fun coming up with a few more cute designs. I have a couple more in mind as well so keep checking back. (only one more week and a bit until I’m closing shop for a while.)
I’ve been getting so many wonderful emails from you ladies with words of encouragement about the baby/house and all the craziness that’s going on around here right now. So many thoughtful notes about the book and how much you’ve enjoyed it. I wanted to thank everyone for being so kind and supportive! It means a lot. And if you have emailed me….I am going to respond soon. Very soon!
I’ve had several people email and ask where they can purchase the book. It’s been sold out locally but I know there are a lot of places online that you can buy it. At Scrapbook.com they have it in stock as well as amazon. For those of you in Canada you can purchase the book online at scrapbookersparadise.com and if you’d just like to borrow a copy I have donated one to our local library. If anyone has any other places where they’ve found it feel free to leave a link in the comments.
I had a good time reading all your comments on my last post…gosh! You girls sure know how to make a 9 month pregnant woman feel great! Thank you for being so sweet. You know I certainly don’t feel very cute right now…I feel (and look) more like humpty dumpty than anything else these days. 😉 Looking forward to these varicose veins in my legs hopefully going away soon though. I’ve been told they will after the baby is born, or that they won’t be nearly as bad after?? At least that’s what I’m hoping.
As for the pictures I get of myself…my personal photographer is none other than little miss Emily. She does a great job, I just make sure the camera strap is securely around her neck before she handles my camera and she has so much fun doing it. So much fun in fact that I think I have an idea of what we should get her for Christmas this year. Shhhhh. I also have my sister snap a few pictures of me whenever she comes to visit, she lives close which is so nice.
And lastly I had a question about how I’ve stayed so fit…we’ll I just had to laugh at that because, well, I’m not much of an excerciser in the formal sense. But…I’ve got one of these little guys….
who provides all the excercise I can handle most days!
Good luck on the new baby.
Wow, the time has flown hasnt it! feels like just the other day you posted the scan pic and surprised us all. YOu have done so well and accomplished so much during this time. NOW is the time to sit back, breathe, relax and ENJOY your new babe. All the best!
Your post are always so cute and inventive! love them! And thank you for all you’ve done to get this Baby Sitting CO OP going! As I was sitting here reading your blog you dropped off the Tickets. Thanks again and can’t wait till you are back in our ward. Good luck and if there is anything you need just call!
I’m so so so excited for you to have this little baby. Even though it’s only been a couple of months since mine was born, I’d have another one in a second, just because it’s such an amazing experience to give birth (as you well know). Good luck with everything and I think about you often! We’ll have to catch up after you’ve recovered (ya, right) and things have settled down a bit!
Good luck with your baby, and with the house.
I’m from Norway, and I have too say I just love your book!
Got it from Amazon.com, and it was so full of brilliant ideas!
When I find the time, I’m going to try out several of them… 😉
Again, good luck and the best wishes for you and the baby! 🙂
Carson is so cute…he is looking so OLD to me right now!
Good luck with the baby and the house!!
I just caught up on your blog and you are SO cute in those pics! I especially love the one of you on the couch with the bowl. Too cute.
Please post pictures of your house when it’s done. I can’t wait to see it. I also can’t wait to get that new SS Play book. I’ve been looking for it locally.
Take care!
Just wanted to give a little “hurray!” for the Salt Lake City mission. I know it is weird to get called to mormon central but it is SOOO neat. I served there 12 years ago (oh my gosh, it’s been that long.) Anyway, it is busy, busy and AWESOME. (I’m trying not to use the word “awesome,” but I keep coming back to it.) Good luck to Randall’s parents!