I gave birth to him.
I change his poopy pants.
I feed him. I clean him.
I walk around tired and in my PJ’s,
with no make up on all day long
because of him.
and his first word?
Making Everyday Beautiful
Beyond Snapshots
A moment captured is worth more than a moment forgotten—no matter how imperfect the lighting or how basic the camera. In one week we’ll move beyond taking snapshots to capturing magical moments with your phone. Click to learn more.
Jeepers, isn’t that always how it goes????
Awwww! Sneaky little guy!
How cute is that picture….
and the whole daddy thing…that is usually how it goes….did with my little dude….
There will come a time when mommy, mommy,mommy,mommy, mommmmmmyyyyyy is all you hear…..
LOL! Yup, my little one says daddy but no mommy too…he also says chicken, uh-oh, apple, thank you, juice and a multitude of other words but no mommy. Little brat :p
Daddy is just easier to say than mommy…right???