I created these printables over the weekend to add to my favorite quotes album.

seek ye out of the best books | download here
capable of becoming | download here
think left and think right | download here
Kindof a learning theme going on with these quotes I guess. School has been on my mind a lot lately with getting back into the swing of things this school year and trying to decide what to do about Addie turning four and the compulsary education business. Well, we’ve made a decision and now my thoughts are focused on getting the kids prepared to transition back into the school system at home in Canada! Eeeeeek! You read that right! 🙂
Due to the compulsary education laws and a few other issues, we’ve decided to head home a bit sooner than planned. The hubby has had to do some moving around with his school schedule to be able to make the move home in December {we were originally going to be moving home in March} but we know that this will be the best thing for us and the kids right now. As much as we’ve loved it here, life certainly hasn’t been without its challenges and when I think about being home in time for Christmas I am so beyond excited! We canNOT wait to see our friends and families!
Hello there!
I am a new follower to your blog, and I just had to tell you that I think you (and your sweet family and blog!) are just BEAUTIFUL! 🙂
P.S. I just “pinned” that D&C scripture…LOVE it!
How exciting.. to have family back home soon..
Time will fly by before know it.
Do the counting down with paper chain.
As always your printables are fabulous! And congrats on the upcoming move home! And in time for Christmas is so fun!
And we can not wait to see you guys!! Love the quotes!! decisions are hard but when they are made and feel so right can’t help but think you made the right one no matter what it may be eh!! Good luck with the last few months see ya soon:)
You’re awesome lady!Thank you!
delightful, thank you.
Your blog has been so inspiring, in all ways…I love when you share bits of how you and your family spend your days…pictures of your home, etc. Will you be moving back to the same cute home you had? Or a new one to decorate?!
We sold our house when we moved here and we’ll actually only be in Canada for a short time. Randal {the hubs} will do his clinical rotations in the US but first has to write the USMLE exam. We’re hoping the kids can head right back to school in Canada in January and go through June until we have to move again. We’re going to stay with my in-laws until then. 🙂
I love them. I am going to print the words of wisdom from Dr. Seuss for our playroom! Thanks!
Congrats on going home soon.
super cute printables! thanks!! 🙂
i am sure you are excited and sad to be leaving! i am sure everything will go great! 🙂
Those are wonderful quotes and great printables! so happy for you that you will be back in Canada – sound like that is what you want – and yes Christmas is divine here, isn’t it?
I’m a new follower. Just wanted you to know. Your site is adorable and so is your little family.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Sep. 13, 2011. Thanks again.
These are beautiful! Your printables are always so nice. 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful printables. Most importantly, congratulations on heading back home!
My family and I just came back to the west coast after 5 long years on the east coast and it’s so lovely to be back with family & friends! Enjoy every minute of it 🙂
How exciting. That went by so fast. I bet you are thrilled. All though I must tell you that you will have moments of sadness even years to come. Longings to do it all again. Love the printables. You are so kind to always share those.
i ♥ your quotes!! thank you.
everyone is looking so cute in all of their back to school pictures. those pigtails are adorable. oh to be small and able to wear pig tails.
I love the Printables. Thank you so much. We live in Canada and I can’t imagine the shift in climates that you are going to face. congratulations!?!