We’ve skipped out on a couple Friday Craft Days the past few weeks because of moving and what not but this last friday we took the time to create a little something while both the little girls napped (a rare occurrance these days!)
Without a lot of craft supplies at my disposal I’ve definately had to get creative with the
materials we use for craft time. So last friday the styrofoam packaging from inside a box we had
around turned into these fun little boats.
The kids (Emily 8 and Carson 6) loved making these a lot…especially Carson. We took our boats out for a sail later in the day when everyone had woken up from their naps and though they definately weren’t sea worthy we sure had a fun afternoon together making and sailing boats. Think of all the places you could sail your own boats – the bathtub, the kitchen sink, a container filled with water, a local river or lake (weather permitting.)
To create your own Recycled Sailboats all you need is:
-some styrofoam or other available material that could float
-some construction paper or other material for sails
-markers, crayons, & scissors to cut out and decorate sails
-a few wooden BBQ skewers
Looking for some other fun Recycled craft ideas, here are a few links worth checking out…
1. This is a great list containing a lot of different ideas all in one place.
2. These egg carton ladybugs are cute.
3. These toothbrush bracelets could be fun!
4. Check out this super cute bowling set made from recycled plastic bottles.
5. I also came accross this book that looks like its full of fun ideas.
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beautiful! I really love that last picture!
I love your ideas for the crafts and have been wanting to tell you that for a while now! Please keep it up…it’s inspiring to come up with fun things to do with the kids at home and not expect that they’ll just do it at preschool/school. You do such a great job with all the mom things! I admire you a lot!
You always have the greatest projects! and plus I’d give anything to be that warm right now here its -24 with windchill seriously were in for a long winter!! hope all is good ttys
it just blows my mind that there you guys are on the beach with summer clothes on while we freeze over here. 🙂
forgot: thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment. made my day. 🙂