Friday Craft Day
After being inspired by my friend Elizabeth Dillow’s idea to do a weekly craft with her girls on friday’s we started this weekly tradition in our family too. We’ve been doing this for a couple years now & the kids still look forward to craft day each week. Sometimes our craft days are simpler than others – from coloring to creating our own sailboats from recycled material to making these cute little snowmen…anything goes really. The fun is in gathering at the kitchen table and creating something together!
Last Friday we pulled out the crayons and had a fun & super simple craft day. Who knew how fun taping a few crayons together could be (the original idea can be found at! The kids colored for longer that I thought they would, making rainbows, designs and word art with these little bundles of crayons. (I even had the kids pick their own “one little word” for 2011 which we wrote together with our crayon bundles & then hung in their rooms above their beds.)
Looking for more fun you can have with crayons?
Check out Martha Stewarts crazy crayons tutorial.
Learn about how crayons are made!
Create some crayon resist works of art.
Go on a texture treasure hunt & create crayons rubbings.
Try your hand at these stained glass valentine’s hearts!
Lot’s more crayon fun can be found at!
Happy crafting everyone!

PS. I’m hoping to make friday craft day a regular feature here on simple as that (I’ll be posting our previous friday’s craft or other idea each Thursday ) and would love to feature some of the crafty things YOU like to do with your kids! If you’re interested in guest posting here on simple as that, email me with your fun and simple friday craft day idea & you could be featured!
Thanks for these cool ideas and all the links. I love crayons, a fresh new box of crayons makes my day any day. I will try this with my kids. It would be so cool if you showed us your craft ideas every week. Maybe I’ll link up one day with our own craft. Thanks
Cute idea! I remember doing this as a kid. And I’m curious what words your kids chose for the year…
Love this idea. Now I just need to put in in motion. hahaha
This is fabulous, Rebecca. Growing up all I needed was a set of crayons and some paper and I was all set for the afternoon 🙂 Alas, there is less interest by my kids, but maybe I’ll go out and get myself some!
I’m as excited about a new box of crayons as the kids are!
I seriously love your Friday crafts…because of you I started doing it with my kids! You amaze me! It’s helps me use the ideas I’ve been tearing out of my Family Fun magazines for a couple of years. I sure wish you lived closer…I think we’d get along great! (I’ve got four kids eight and under-three girls and one boy too!);-)
I used the snowman craft as school for the kids’ winter party and it was a hit. Keep the ideas coming..I use them for primary too!
BTW, I have been doing snow crafts with the kids but thought that doesn’t really apply to you with the sandy beaches right now. Have you seen this idea? It made me think of you guys right now!
Thanks for the link! I’ve been meaning to make some of those multi-coloured melted-together crayons, but haven’t yet gotten to it. Given that this craft is something I could put together in seconds, I’m pretty sure I can manage that!
This sounds like such a fun idea! I really need to get my act together and do this on Fridays…thanks!