I’m sure I don’t look nearly as big as I’m feeling right about now. I’m 19 weeks today in fact. Going on half way, which is so hard to believe!!
Has anyone had any experience with vericose veins during pregnancy?? (I’m so sorry if you have) Oh how my legs are aching…any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I’m trying to keep my legs up as much as I can and you should check out the incredibly stylin’ socks I get to wear. They’re oh so lovely!
You still look so tiny. Darling photo. As for the legs, I have the same problem. I once did the stockings but have no genius advise for you!! Sorry. I always just suffer through it along with all the other discomforts that pregnancy brings. All worth it though. Are you going to find out what you are having? So thrilled for you Rebecca!!!
I’m not pregnant, but just lucky enough for them to be hereditary. The best thing you can do is stay off your feet as much as possible and wear supportive shoes. Try propping your legs up with a few pillows underneath them. Or you can always go out and buy the support stockings that they have (they are like knee high socks) – those help too! Good luck. 🙂
What a cute photo of your bump! : )
you are just 5 days behind me in our pregnancies! 😉
i had an uncomfortable vein while try to sleep in bed one night, but it went away the next day. my midwife said i should try to elevate my feet and wear the stockings. luckily it is not bad enough for me to have to do that yet 😛 hope it gets better soon for you!
love the cutie bump!
Elizabeth Joy
okay that little belly of yours is SO cute!!!!! Never had the same problem. But I have a friend who did BAD. Keep those feet up in the air at night. Relax. And keep on the stylin stockings.
this photo just makes me smile so wide.
did you take it yourself?
love it.
i am sorry to hear about your legs.
i hope someone has good tips for you.
i’ll be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!
Look at you! Seems like just yesterday you made the big announcement. Sorry you’re uncomfortable – I’m thinking healing thoughts for you.
I had a couple of veins pop above my knee, at the back, so couldn’t wear socks…tried those althetic 3/4 pants (you know the tight lycra ones) and because they were smooth could wear them under clothes… I found a gentle rub with leg soothing stuff helped, though that’s not entirely medical! And of course, getting the feet of the ground helps, but thats so gonna happen with 2 little kids! But you’re on the downhill run now!
It’s been a few days since you posted, but if you get this…
I had to wear the compression hose with 3 pregnancies of 4. They really feel good in comparison to going without them…but they are seriously hard to put on in the morning! I was told by my doctors that the hose is better for women – the full length ones – as opposed to the socks, which may cause pooling of blood right before the stretchy cuff of the sock. The veins DO go away…but without the hose there can be really strange reminders. Try the hose – you’ll probably notice a huge difference!
Okay, this is maybe not anything you need to know, but I’ve decided to pass along this information to as many people as I can because I’ve heard so many people that don’t know what it is or what to do about it. So maybe if you don’t need this info, someday you’ll talk to someone who does.
The problem I have when I get pregnant is called a vulvar varicosity, and it is SOOOOOOO painful. I didn’t have it with my first pregnancy, but did with my second and I didn’t know what it was for the longest time. With my third it was WAY worse. Terrible aching pain–as in, I’ll never be able to have another child if this is how it’s going to be. The ONLY thing I’ve found that works–and it REALLY works–is called a V2 Supporter and you can order it from http://www.prenatalcradle.com or some stores on Ebay. It is worth it’s weight in gold, seriously.
Like I said before, maybe this is totally not a problem for you, but I used to not tell anyone about this problem (because obviously it’s quite embarrasing) but then I’ve come across 3 or so other women with the problem and they didn’t know what to do. Most doctors don’t even know what to do about it. So, there’s my soapbox.
Love reading your blog, you have a cute family.