Well, we’re settling into life here on the island quite nicely. It’s almost been two weeks since we arrived and so far we’re loving it. It definately isn’t without its challenges (ie. the heat, the water situation, laundry).
The kids started school on wednesday and are getting more comfortable each day and are already making friends. I’m excited for them and the neat experience this will be for them. They both take a dutch class and are already starting to pick up on a handful of words.
We’ve ventured down to the ocean a couple times this week(we live up a hill at the base of the inactive volcanoe on the island called The Quill) but haven’t been able to do much swimming because of the big waves. The nice sandy beaches have been washed away but we were still able to enjoy ourselves by searching for seashells and catching hermit crabs.
It’s quite the life here…definately more laid back than I’ve been used to and that has been so nice. Randal starts school monday so we are enjoying these last few days with him home all day. He’s definately looking forward to getting started and I’m just happy to enjoy this slower pace of life.
I thought I’d share a few random little bits about our life here on the island, a few of you have had questions for me and by all means if you have more ask away!
-The water we use here is all rain water and this means we have to be very careful to conserve water.It also means we can’t drink it without the water going through some sort of filtration system. We shipped water filters here but our boxes haven’t arrived yet by boat and so we’ve been living off bottled water for all cooking and drinking since we got here. We’re hoping our boxes arrive here first thing next week.
-I am able to do laundry in a normal washing machine but everything gets hung out to dry on the clothesline. Works fine if there’s a breeze or its a really hot day but when there’s rain it gets a little tricky but it’s been working fine so far.
-There’s definatley a lot of bugs here but I haven’t seen anything too scarey as of yet (knock on wood). A couple cockroaches, lots of mosquitos, a leaf bug, teeny tiny little ants and some fireflies are about all I’ve seen.
-So far the animals we’ve spotted are 1 donkey, lots of cows, 1 million goats, lots of lizards, hermit crabs, bats and that’s about it.
-The currency here is in guilders and will be until October 10, 2010 when everything is switching into US dollars. We can still purchase everything in US dollars right now but we’re still getting used to the conversion and it’s a little tricky.
-As far as food we are able to buy a lot of things that are available back home but things are definately more pricey. Dairy products, meat and fresh produce are the most expensive. We’ve bought some powdered milk and mixing it half/half with the real milk hasn’t really bothered the kids so that helps offset the cost of milk.
All in all things are good. Different, but good. I decided long before we arrived here that I was going to enjoy it here no matter what. Sixteen months isn’t forever and if you have to be stuck anywhere on earth for sixteen months a tropical island certainly isn’t the worst place you could be! 😉
I love your positive attitude! You are making some great memories for your kids, too!
I have to say, I am completely fascinated by your journey! The fact that you document with such gorgeous photography just adds to the fascination. I think you should write a book about your adventures there with your husband & 4 small children. I really admire your attitude & bravery…and your photos too 🙂
We lived on an island for two years and all the things you mentioned are typical. You will get used to it. It will be such a good experience!! Love the photos!
This is such an incredible journey! Loving the photos. The mention of guilders made me giggle a little. It reminded me of Princess Bride. 😉
You hav such a great attitude and really your right being stuck on a tropical island isn’t a bad place to be stuck! I love reading your adventures!! Sounds like you are all doing good! ttys
love the little everyday details that you have shared! would love to hear and SEE more of where you are living and the local township etc.
and I laughed at the totally overjoyed expression on your husbands face at having his photo taken! priceless.
thanks so much for sharing this adventure with us!
Abby at Tales and Trials just sent me a link to your blog and I am so glad she did! My name is Megan and my family moved to a small island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean in February. I am so excited to read about your journey and get to know your beautiful family. I hear you on the laundry and the bugs, but admire your positive attitude! I am working on mine! Thanks for sharing your story – I can’t wait to read more!