OK. So I really should be folding laundry right now – but I just had to fill you in a little more about our trip to Vegas. Old news now maybe, but it was a big deal for me. I had a lot of fun and the fact that it was the first time we’d ever left the kids longer than overnight – it was a really big deal to me. I see more ‘leave-the-kids-at-home’type vacations in our future. Not that I don’t absolutely love taking them with us – it’s just nice to focus on US sometimes. Talk without interruption, eat dinner without having to cut up someone else’s food, wake up whenever we want. It was such a nice break.
But the best part was coming home. I was so excited to see the kids when we pulled up in the driveway – I came home with a better attitude about mommyhood. Excited just to get back into the old routine – which I had been loathing before we left. (I got to change a poopy diaper about 5 minutes after walking through the door – so there was no wasting time getting back into the swing of things. Thanks Carson!)
My sweethearts. Carson climbing on the coffee table here – can’t get a picture of this kid sitting still these days so this one will have to do. I swear they are looking bigger!! Don’t you think!?
CHA was such a fun thing for me. I’m just a small town girl and so being in the big city, meeting all the scrapping celebreties that I admire! Very, very cool. Here’s a few pictures of the people/things I got to see at the show. I didn’t get any really great shots, so we’ll just have to pretend that the photography here is stellar. Just use your imagination.
Me and Melody Ross
Sarah Champion, Kelly Purkey, Susan Weinroth and me at the American Crafts booth
Me with Angela from Anna Griffin. Have you seen the new papers they have coming out?? Verrrrry pretty! I think I saw a picture of them on Ali’s blog.
Tammy McCruder from Karen Foster and Michon (who is on the Karen Foster design team with me) and I after the KF class that we helped out with.
Samantha from Karen Foster and I at the KF booth.
Wendy Smedly, Angie Lucas and I at the show. Right near one of my favorite booths – the KI booth!! 🙂
Had to use the flash on this one and so it’s not the best photo – sorry Donna, sorry Cathy. But I had to have proof that I actually met these gals IRL! Such a highlight of the show for me!!
I didn’t get a picture with all of you, but here is me with some of the fontwerks girls – Erin, Maria Grace and Laura. Rachel, Kah-mei, Melissa – loved meeting all of you!
Group shot of me and some of the simple ladies. And Ali!!
And that’s about it. My CHA adventures. Lot’s of fun. A total thrill to meet everyone that I did! I think I’m going to do a quick rundown of my favorite product finds soon – so stay tuned.
So cool! Love the photos. Looks like sooooo much fun!!!!
cute cute cute rebecca…
love the last pic of all the girls holding you up… so fun color me green with envy…
You’re such a little wisp of a thing, Rebecca!! Love all these pictures — it looks like it was so much fun! So happy you had a nice, kid-free time!! I agree about the new Anna Griffin papers — they are scrumptious!
holy cow! you’re kids have gotten big!! they are so very very cute. I just want to pinch Carson’s cheeks!
great photos, my dear. thanks for sharing. love seeing famous people (including you!)
I’m so jealous that you got to go and have so much fun!!! And I knew you were tiny, but these photos really put that into perspective, lol!
FAB shots Rebecca!! So sad I wasn’t able to go this time and hang with you!!! Looks like an awesome trip!!
soooo cool, rebecca! i have to go to one of the trade shows one of these days…lokks like so much fun! i was just is cardston this weekend for my sis-in-law’s wedding and maurita said you took some amazing pictures of her son. I so wanted to go and visit you quickly with maurita but it was such a busy trip for us. hopefully we’ll meet up sometime!!