It’s been on my mind a lot these days.
My sweet Alivia is my last baby you see, and while in my mind and my heart I know that our family is complete and that this body of mine has had as many babies as it can handle, there is still a small sadness I feel knowing that this stage in my life of babies and diapers and midnight feedings will be coming to an end.
Being aware that so many of Alivia’s firsts will also be some of my lasts has been a gift and a constant reminder to treasure the moments along my journey of motherhood each and every day.
To reasses my priorities.
To evaluate how I’m doing as a mother and recommit in some of the areas I know I’ve been falling short.
I know in my heart that there’s nothing more important I’ll ever do in this life than be a mother to my sweet children but that knowledge has a way of getting lost sometimes in the shuffle of daily activities and the busy-ness of life. I was so touched to watch this video the other day and be reminded again that no matter how hard the days can be, to treasure my role as a mother.
“Let every mother realize that she has no greater blessing than the children which have come to her as a gift from the Almighty; that she has no greater mission than to rear them in light and truth, and understanding and love; that she will have no greater happiness than to see them grow into young men and women who respect principles of virtue, who walk free from the stain of immorality and from the shame of delinquency. . . . I remind mothers everywhere of the sanctity of your calling. No other can adequately take your place. No responsibility is greater, no obligation more binding than that you rear in love and peace and integrity those whom you have brought into the world.”
Gordon B. Hinckley
Thank you for posting your thoughts on motherhood and the video. It was something that I needed to hear in my life right now. It gives me strength to do better and hope that I can. Thanks, it helps put things in better perspective.
Lovely thoughts. Something that has been on my mind lately too. I just love that video!
love it! and you are such an awesome mom with four lucky kids!! Love this post and the video! and the quote!
i only have ONE child and unfortunately, he will be my last. i have an autoimmune disease and that has prevented me from having anymore children…well, the disease along with the meds that i take to keep the disease under control. BUT–thankfully, i found your first book at a art supply store almost two years ago and i will be forever grateful for it. it has taught me the sweetest ways in order to preserve some of the most precious memories!
p.s. i actually just mentioned you in one of my posts, “the real deal”. you don’t have to read it, i just wrote about how you motivated me to begin blogging 🙂
A very lovely post – and a great reminder. It couldn’t have come at a better time for me.
Thank you.
This post makes me both, happy and sad at the same time. It touched me right to the core, because I can’t have children and that has been the hardest thing for me to except. So I sit here and HONOR all you Mom’s and I’m happy that you all get to experience this wonderful gift.
I love that video! Thanks for sharing. I especially liek the kid digging in the toilet – that’s so much my life right now. Motherhood is great!
This was such a perfect post Rebecca! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the reminder!