I’ve been trying for a while now to pick my one little word for 2011 and it didn’t seem to matter how many words I added to my list of possibilities…
I just kept coming back to the same one.
I didn’t think I liked it but last night I couldn’t get back to sleep after getting up with the baby and I lay in bed thinking about this little word. The meaning that it has for me already and what I hope it will mean for me this coming year…and today I’m feeling really excited to be inspired this year by my
I have the strength to be a healthier me. It sure doesn’t feel like that long ago that I had my fourth baby but she is already going to be 1 next week! After Alivia finished nursing a few months ago & has started sleeping through the night for the most part I’ve slowly been feeling my energy return. I’m excited to start exercising more regularly and get this body in better shape.
I have the strength to be a better parent. To have more patience. To be more consistent. To allow my kids more freedom & choices. To let go (slowly) and allow them more opportunities this year to make their own decisions, both big and small.
I have the strength to be consistent in my goals. Reading scriptures & daily prayer. Regular family home evening. Drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. Regular exercise.
I have the strength to make hard choices. To be happy even when things are hard. To say no when I need to (and my family needs me to). To say what I’m thinking. To stand up for what I believe. To make time for me when I need it.
After facing some health issues in recent years I’m so ready to face these challenges and any more that I may face in the future with strength. To let go of the things that scare me, the things I can’t do anything about and be positive & confident in my bodies ability to heal and in it’s strength.
I haven’t talked about it much here on my blog, but when Addie was just a few months old I found out I had an autoimmune disorder (they’ve since ruled out Lupus). After more than 2 years of what felt like a million different tests, more doctors appointments than I had dates with my husband and one surgery things are still unknown but what I do know for sure is:
1. My immune system has gone a little haywire but if I keep my stress levels low (hmmm, how do I do that again?), take care of myself & get enough sleep it helps so much.
2. I have a couple of annoying kidney conditions that make me more susceptible to kidney stones among other things and while drinking 8 cups of water a day is a worthy goal I simply HAVE to drink that each day as a minimum to keep these kidneys functioning as well as they are now. It’s so hard to remember sometimes – so this is one of my top resolutions for 2011. Drink lots of water!
3. The knowledge that I can do hard things has changed me so much throughout the experiences of the past few years and while I’m not ALL THE TIME – I am only human afterall – it does make me grateful for the challenges I’ve faced.
4. The Lord knows me. He knows what I’m going through. He knows what I need better than I do. He loves me and I am so grateful for that knowledge and for the things I’ve experienced that have solidified my testimony in ways nothing else could have.
I’m ready to face 2011 with strength.
It’s going to be a great year, I know it!
That was my word for 2010 and I loved it. Whenever I needed a little help throughout the day I said it over and over and it really helped. This year though I am having such a hard time finding my word – hopefully it’ll come soon.
Hey Rebecca,
What a wonderful choice for your one little word! Although, for the record, I think you are already exuding a TON of strength… mama of four beautiful children, supportive wife, budding businesswoman, and someone who has the strength to pick up and move to a completely new world. You are definitely already a strong woman!!! Best of luck as you work to keep your resolutions in support of your health and your search for strength. 🙂
The first idea is almost always the best idea like this with your word.
I hope you all strength:)
love your one little word and the all reasons you chose it. happy new year to you and your family!
great choice I love picking a word and thinking and doing it all year mine is change for this new year and I’m excited! Hope you’ll just continue to get better to bad I can’t write if you need a break just send them here like old times eh! But good luck with your word love it! Hope your doing good looks like christmas was good and here’s to the best year ever!! ttys
My word is strong and I picked that same verse as my verse of the year as well! I love reading everyone’s words and why they picked them. 🙂
Rebecca, I love your blog and your photo of your two little girls on the beach is ADORABLE! I’m sorry to hear that you have an autoimmune disorder. I’d really like to suggest that you read the Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, it’s only $10 on Amazon. I think it can help tremendously with autoimmune disorders. http://www.amazon.com/Paleo-Diet-Weight-Healthy-Designed/dp/0470913029/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1294174884&sr=1-1
Wonderful choice!! I am struggling with mine too. I am studying how the Lord ministers to us and how we can minister to each other in my scriptures – but is minister a weird word to pick? Don’t know!
Love your choice of word and, even more, I love that you choose a word to live by for the year! Never thought of doing and that. Having a rough mental start to the year and am so glad I read this post…I am going to copy-cat your word, if you don’t mind! I also read a phrase that inspired me, “I am capable”…I think the two go together very well! Thank you for your beautiful blog! I agree with another commenter here, you exude strength. I admire your positive additude and strength that you have shown this past year with all the changes that have occured in your world. Very inspiring! Thank you!
what an awesome word for your year!! Best Wishes!
“The Lord is my strength”
What a wise word you chose to commit to. Sending blessings and prayers your way 🙂
Katherine, how fun that we have used the same word! Good luck choosing yours this year. This is actually the first year I’ve ever done this and it was much harder than I thought it would be. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement Stacey! 🙂 You are so sweet! I haven’t really thought of myself as that strong – just muddling through it all like the rest of us but your words really meant a lot today! Thank you!
Love that we have such similar words…you’ll have to keep me posted on how it inspires you throughout the year! 🙂
Thank you so much and YAY! We can be ‘one little word’ twins for the year. Thank you for being so sweet and making me feel capable!! 🙂 Love that phrase you mentioned!
I love this sentence: “The knowledge that I can do hard things has changed me.” Finding out just how strong we are is a complicated & scary process, and it does change us. I hope your medical issues are solved soon!
That’s wonderful, Rebecca! I have finally decided on my word- faith. 🙂
Beautiful post. I’ve always been amazed how much you do–four beautiful kiddos, business, scrapping, a book written, etc–so I appreciate the reminder that we’re all human and all dealing with hard things! I hope you have a resolution to the health issues very soon.
Thank you for the inspiration!