So I thought tonight I’d just spend a few minutes answering questions – I might not get to all of them but we’ll see how I do.
Question #1
How did you manage to stay out of the mental institution during your project-making process?
Well, that’s a very good question Elizabeth…I would have to say I narrowly avoided being committed and that consuming large amounts of chocolate throughout the entire process may have helped in that regard? I’m not too sure??
Questions #2
How long did it take you to put the book together?
I’ve had to REALLY think about this one. I’ve been trying to remember when exactly it was that I found out the book was officially a go and I started making projects??? Hmmmm…AH! I totally know! When we went on our little family road trip to Utah last summer I had a meeting at the Simple office to discuss ‘the book.’ At that point there had been definate talk of possibly doing a book, there’d even been a book proposal but until I walked out of that meeting and then finally got home from that trip did I fully realize that it was REALLY, truly going to happen…and that I needed to make A LOT of scrapbook pages between then and Christmas.
So I guess all in all it took about 5-6 months to put it all together. Make the pages/projects, write the text, decide what type of cover to have, should it be spiral bound or perfect bound, try to come up with a title, should it have tabs or no tabs….so many, many things to do and decide. I did a few pages throughout the summer but it wasn’t until sept/oct that I actually got down to work and made a schedule for myself of how many pages I needed to complete each week to meet my deadline and it just went from there.
Question #3
So curious how a book like yours comes together. I was wondering if it’s hard to “write” a scrapbooking book when so much has already been written on the topic in past books & magazines?
It was very hard, but the challenge really caused me to reflect a lot on this hobby – why I do it. the design principles I tend to follow. how I fit scrapbooking into my life. my motivations. It really made me stretch and think about it in so many different ways. This has been one of the most amazing things about this whole experience – and that is how much I have learned along the way. Having this book writing experience has taught me a lot about myself, about patience, about time management, how to put first things first, and has caused me to really examine why I love this thing called scrapbooking so much.
Thanks for the Q & A–I enjoyed knowing more about the process. I agree about chocolate making anything more bearable! 🙂 So–are you allowed to give any details about your book? What’s the title? Is it purely a how-to book, or is it more about why you scrapbook and your philosophy, or is it some of both? I hope it has a chapter on photography–you take beautiful pictures. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I love it that you’re doing this. Such an interesting read!
Thanks for posting this! I can not WAIT to see your book!
Totally cool to hear about your process of making a book. And seriosuly how cool is it that you have a BOOK. I mean seriously cool. I can’t wait to get it!