This summer the kids and I started a fun little photography project.
We decided to search around and take photos of signs we could find that represent places we see or visit in our community. The kids loved it so much and I’m really enjoying the collection of photos we came up with! They represent our little island community so well and will hold a lot of fun memories
of places here on Statia.
This is just a simple project that we’ve slowly been working on over the last few weeks. I took my camera with us almost everywhere we went and the kids were always on the lookout for signs to photograph. Even my three year old had fun looking for signs from the car as we drove places or while we walked. It really was fun for the whole family.
Try your own spin on this simple summer project
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1. You could photograph the some of the places you visit most often in your
community that are part of your daily routine.
2. You could photograph the details around your vacation community.
3. Photograph details around your home, backyard or even your block.
4. Photograph signs, buildings or landmarks in your town, city, Province or State.
5. Try photographing signs you see on your next roadtrip.
Take a peek at more of the simple summer projects I’ve shared here.
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This sweet blog, written by Christy, shares craft ideas, glimpses into her cute family’s life and a DIY project or two. Christy also hosts a weekly link party where you can share your joy each Saturday!
That’s a cool idea. Funny how you found so many interesting signs when you just looked around.
Bella Vida by Letty
Have a great day.
That is a great idea – I’m going to simply create a collection of signs – no rhyme or reason! Thanks for featuring me on fb!! too cool!!
Oh how I love this project.
This is a great idea! We will be doing this when we get back to our island!
Great idea – I’ll be making a digital photobook for our family’s Week in the Life album July 25-31. Having a few pages of signs that we encounter during the week will be a great addition.
This is my planned (instagram) format:
using Cathy Zeilske’s template:
that I thought would be totally perfect for a WITL album when I saw it in one of her recent posts.
I think I’ll make a page variation with just photos and no captions for the signs that I photograph during the week.
Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas with us.
What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing! I hope you don’t mind, but I shared this on my personal history challenge blog. If you want me to take it off, I will. You can see it here.