Here are just a few that caught my eye!
Thanks so much to everyone
who linked up this week!
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This weeks quick photo tip and
a surprise giveaway:
Did you know that Ella Publishing Co. {one of my favourite publishers of digital scrapbooking + photography idea books} has a FREE eBook available for all to download!?
Their Free Super Sampler is filled with scrapbooking idea samples from many of their top selling eBooks including a snippet from my first eBook from Ella Publishing, 40 Top Tips for Better Photos. Download your free copy {click image below to be taken to download page} and read a few of my quick tips for shooting in direct sunlight. 🙂
To read up on more of my top photography tips, enter today to win a copy of one of my eBooks:
Don’t Say Cheese! How to get great, natural photos of your kids
40 Top Tips for Better Photos

i love to take pictures of faces, flowers, and silhouettes 🙂
i follow via gfc!
Love taking pictures of my children. Would love to win your ebooks for tips to take better photos.
How wonderful, I’d love to win one of your E-books! I love taking photos of my family but most of all my kids and other people’s kids 🙂 Thank you!
I follow you through GFC.
My favorite thing to take photos of is my daughter…for that reason, I already have “Don’t Say Cheese” but I’d love to get those 40 Tips 🙂 Thanks!
I love to photograph my children (of course) and my beautiful 300 acre farm.
I love to photograph my children. 🙂
I follow you through GFC
I follow you via GFC =)
I would love to take better pictures of my family. Things that are moving always seem to get me =)
Babies – definitely my favorite to photograph
I follow via GFC 🙂
I love taking pictures of my family, preserving all those moments that so quickly pass by! Thank you!
My absolute favorite thing to take pictures of is, my daughter! So fun, so cute.
Would Love to win this.. I have already sign up for facebook and also RSS feed.
Right now, my eye keeps following the light and i like to take pictures natural light light illuminating people, places or things.
I follow via Blogger…
I love to take pictures of moments that remind me of a whole experience.
wow, i have been dying to get my hands on these books. I love taking pics of my kids and trying to get all three of them looking at the same time seems virtually impossible.
I love to takes pictures of our little girl and our dog.
Thanks Rebecca for the sweet shout out! I was super excited to see that you posted about it, and so flattered. So thank you!
I follow you through Google reader.
I love taking photos of thoses little everyday things that would otherwise be passed by and forgotten…they are always my favourites to look back on. Thanks for the chance to win coppies of your books!
Nic xxx
Thanks for visiting my blog. I would love to know if you make a heart eraser stamp!
i just LOVE to photograph my children!
and I follow you through GFC! thank you for this great giveaway!! 🙂
WOW- Rebecca- I am so very honored & thrilled to be featured here! Totally made my day!!!
What a fabulous giveaway too. I would love to one day have the honor to do a newborn session. (and many other things too- but you only asked for one thing) 🙂
I already receive updates by email!
I love to take pictures of people. Newborns, children, adults, doesn’t matter. Love it!
I love to take pictures of my little boy. He is my sunshine!
amybame @
I love taking pictures of my three month old son and my Pomeranian puppy! As well as decorations I make and parties I throw!
I love taking photos of my boys, daily life, our garden and family and friends. Thanks for the chance to win.
Love photographing my triplets!
I’m a GFC follower.
Rebecca! I follow you from google reader! You have a beautiful blog!
I follow from google reader! you have a beautiful blog!
I love taking pictures of horses!
I shared your Facebook page with a friend!
I love taking pictures of children (especially my own), pets and sporting events.
I subscribe to simple as that via RSS in google reader
I love to take pictures of my kids of course! 🙂
I love taking pictures of my girls.
I’m a blog follower through RSS.
I shared the Simple as That fb page with friends.
I love taking pictures of yummy recipes I make for my recipe blog ( I also like having pictures of my 22 mo old but it seems very difficult to take them lately as he wants nothing to do with it.
I need to take better photos!
I cant get enough pictures of my kids!! 🙂
I’m a GFC follower!
I love to photograph siblings. You never know how they will behave 😉
Follower through GFC
Hi Rebecca – what a great blog that you have! I always enjoy reading your posts. I would say that hands down my most favorite subject is our 18-month old son and capturing all of the ‘little’ moments that make me smile each day.
I love your blog and I love your photos! I love to take photos of everything, especially children and especially my baby boy:)
I’m a follower through RSS! 🙂
I love to take pics of my 2 kids – although they could use a lot of work (the pics, not the kids). 🙂
I am a follower via email!!
As a new SAHM, I love to take pics of my girls and I’m always looking for tips to improve!
I follow on GFC. 🙂
I really like to take photos of our three children with their grandparents. Both sets of their grandparents live across the country and while Skype is great for keeping in touch, it’s not the same as being in the same room. One of my few opportunities this year starts tomorrow-can’t wait!
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
Like any mom, I love to take pictures of my kids. Oh how I’d love to win your Ella books!
I read Simple As That via my RSS reader. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I’d love to win your two Ella ebooks.
I love to take pictures of flowers. And my kids. But I’m much better with objects that don’t move! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love to photograph my family and food.
I am a follower through GFC.
I love to take pictures of my daughter and food 🙂
I’m an email subscriber.
I love to take pictures of my boys. 🙂
I follow via facebook.
I am obsessed with taking photos of my 21 month old daughter. She is gonna either hate me or love me for that when she gets older 😉
Love taking pictures of my kids. I need to work on taking pictures of me with my kids. I’m always the one behind the camera, never in front…definately on my to-do list.
I love to take pictures of my boys! I follow you via facebook and would absolutely LOVE to win a copy of your ebook. You’re blog is amazing!
I love to take pictures of food and children:)
love taking pics of the kids–and flowers!
following via GFC!
OMG!!! I really want to win one of those darn silhouette cameos…but I really NEED your giveaway!! I am doing my first scrabook ever and have been so inspired by your blog — thank you! I have you on my feacebook and will now add you to my email. I’m trying to do a photo a day and i have the most beautiful subjects (two darling daughters and two handsome boys (dogs!) I couldn’t find my camera manual…so I printed the entire 200 pages and have been trying to read it, but it’s like a new language! I so want to take better photos!! Thank you!
I follow RSS.
i love to take pictures of my kids!! they started with my dog, Lucy, and then my son and now my beautiful 3 mo old daughter. thanks for the opportunity!!
oh and I follow on FB, not sure if that counts for anything 😉
My love taking pictures of family!
i love taking pictures of my kids 🙂
I shared on facebook 🙂
I am obsessed with taking photos of my 21 month old daughter. I’m sure she will either love me or hate me for that when she’s older 😉 Shared your page on my FB wall!
I love to take pictures of the fam
I subscribe to your RSS feed
I love to take pictures of my family. Sorta cliche 🙂
I love to take pictures of the prairie sky.
I follow on RSS feed!
I’m sure it sounds trite…but faces not necessarily staring at me…just love to speculate about all that is said/written in a facial expression. Thanks 😉
I love taking pictures of children, especially mine!
I like taking pictures of children, especially mine!
I signed up to receive updates via email!
I liked you on FB!
I’m a follower.
I love to take pictures of old, junky, farm stuff. I love propping my kids on a rusty plow, with chippy barn paint in the background.
I love taking pictures of children. I REALLY love taking pictures of my children. Kids just have the most honest expressions…
honestly, I love to take pictures of people and groups of people…family, friends, etc….but I like to make them all hold something in the picture! Usually it is something random, whatever I can find that is just naturally around! At first, most think I am crazy…but when they see how cute the picture comes out and its not just everyone standing at attention with a smile on, they LOVE it too!
I love taking pictures of my son!