alivia at 8 months
.you love your ma-ma (read: you will hardly go to anyone else and want me to hold you most of the time)
.you are a little wiggle
.you like rice cereal, applesauce, carrots, bananas
.when you don’t like something mom feeds you you shake your head no
.you say ma-ma
.you clap your hands when you really feel like it
.you are cruising around furniture and are into EVERYTHING
.you are starting to experiment with standing on your own by letting go of things for a few seconds at a time
.you’ll be walking soon I can tell
.you love your big brother and sisters (except when Addie tries to carry you, that you don’t like)
.I love that darling face you make when you suck on your bottom lip
.you have no teeth yet
.you’re our little vaccuum cleaner, I can’t even tell you how much you scare mom with your choking & gagging on every little thing you find then put in your mouth!
.you love to pull hair – dad’s leg hairs are your favorite
.you dance when you hear music
.you are our sweet, sweet little thing and we can’t imagine life without you
awww…she is so precious~!
I love that you’re recording all these things for her. I didn’t know about scrapbooking when mine were little and don’t have records like this. My first grandchild is due in November though and I can’t wait to help record her monthly milestones 🙂
What a doll!!! 🙂
They are so fun, aren’t they! I just posted points about Stran the other day. It’s fun to see all their little personalities come out! I can’t belive how much she gets around!? Stran has just started and is going to be 1 on the 27th! hahaha
She’s beautiful! Can you post this on my facebook page? I love it!