I had never tried one of these yummy chocolate bars until this past summer and I’ve been hooked on them ever since. Imagine my ‘joy’ to discover I can get them here! Mmmmm. So yummy.
If you’d like to participate in the simple things photo challenge this week all you need to do is:
-take a photo of one of the simple things or simple moments in your life that made you smile this week
-post your photo somewhere online (your own blog, facebook, flickr….wherever you’d like).
-Grab a button and include it in your post if possible (simply copy and paste the html code below)
-come back here and share your photo with us by joining in the link list below
I can’t wait to see what you recorded this week!

Love this challenge! Enjoy your weekend!
I love Almond Joy’s. : ) What a fun treat! Have a wonderful weekend!
For the past few weeks I have been eating left over Halloween snack size Almond Joys. I would much prefer the size in your photo!
here’s my post today…this is such a great idea Rebecca so thanks for thinking of it.
I haven’t had an Almond Joy in AGES. Must go get one to remind myself of what I’ve been missing 🙂
Hello Rebecca, I’ve come over from Amys blog and would love to join in with your Simple Things project. My word verification is Kulnes! It’s a sign! I watched Sleepless in Seatle (again) over the weekend! There were many signs in that film 🙂
Almond Joy is a favorite of my daughter’s, too!
Here’s my simple thing this week: