We arrived on the island of Sint Eustatius (or Statia as it’s more commonly referred to here) on Monday evening. To say it was a long trip would be an understatement but we made it and have since caught up on our sleep so all is well.
We left Sunday morning at 12:30am from Calgary and travelled through the night to Toronto (the kids slept almost the entire flight bless their hearts!) where we had a short layover (the kids and I slept again for another couple hours at the airport) then it was on to Saint Maartens. We were there for a few hours while we gathered all our luggage and tried to figure out some way to transport it all plus three children and a fussy baby to the check in desk for our next flight to the island. We were exhausted but it worked out fine. We boarded our next flight which I was so nervous about but it went well. Only 15 minutes and we were here!
The apartment we’re in is small (a two bedroom) but we love the location and our landlady is a doll. She is actually the principal of the elementary school we’ve decided to put the kids into and we’re so pleased that she’ll be there with the children and she has offered to drive them with her and her two children in the mornings. They will start school this coming monday.
The view from our back patio.
We’ve been to the beach every day since we arrived and the kids are loving it so much. Addie was a little hesitant about the water at first but now she’s out floating in the waves with the rest of the kids. The water is warm and snorkeling around finding seashells and other treasures has become Emily and Carson’s new favorite past time.
We’re loving it here so far. There is still a week left until Randal starts school so we are enjoying lots of family time together. It’s definately hot & humid but it’s so beautiful. It’s nothing like home but the history here is fascinating and I’m excited to learn more throughout our stay. We’ve met some wonderful people already and are looking forward to the rest of our time here on Statia.
Thanks to everyone for your emails and concern for our safe arrival! We’re here, we have internet and will be in touch from here on out!
I’m glad you guys are there and are safe!! Is there a ward/branch there on the island? I’m looking forward to hearing how things are going!! L
Glad to hear you’ve reached your destination safe and sound 🙂 What exciting times for your family, I look forward to hearing about your journey along the way 🙂
Congratulations on your new adventure!
So glad you travels were safe. What an adventure – can’t wait to see what you take pictures of there – these photos are gorgeous!
It looks beautiful. I am so happy that you are there and settling in. I hope you enjoy your time there. It truly is a magical time.
Glad you made it. I’m impressed that you’re already blogging. You must be a very organized person who doesn’t get stressed out easily. I think you’re pretty amazing.
So excited to hear your first update. Can’t wait for a tour of your apt to hear how you’re making it work–that is inspiring to me : )
So glad all is ok. I was expecting news from you… Waiting for you next post of your new life.
Send us warm and sun from “Statia” because here in France it’s not the case….
Wow what an adventure for your family. Wishing your husband well in his studies.
So excited for you guys and glad you made it there safely!! Can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures while you’re there. Good luck with the first day of school!!
oooh glad to hear things are going good for you and that you all made it well! Tell Randall good luck!!!
Wow! It looks absolutely idyllic. Can I come visit???
So glad to hear everything went well and you are starting to settle in. It will be a wonderful and exciting time for you and your family, not to mention a wonderful learning experience for your littles!
I wish Randall the best of luck with his studies and your children too!