Supplies you need to create this funny bunny hairdo:
Large googly eyes
White pipe cleaners
Pink + White felt
Bobby Pins
Hot glue gun
How to make the bunny pieces:
1. For the bunny’s nose, we cut a small circle out of pink felt.
2. Next we slipped the pink felt circle inside a bobby pin.
3. Using a hot glue we glued the pompom to the felt.

4. For the bunny’s ears, we cut out two pieces of white felt in the shape pictured above. We also cut one piece of pink felt the same shape, but slightly smaller, to fit inside the white pieces.
5. We then bent a white pipe cleaner in the shape of the ears. With the ends sticking out the bottom slightly, we placed the pipe cleaner between the two layers of white felt and glued in place. The pipe cleaner is what will help the ears keep their shape and allows you to push the ears down into the hair bun.
6. We then glued two large eyes that we made using cardstock and a black sharpie to two bobby pins for the bunny’s eyes. You can also use extra large googly eyes for this.
7. Lastly, we cut 3 white pipe cleaners into 3 equal parts for the bunny’s whiskers.
28 Kids books for Spring + Easter
A very creative idea for the Easter 🙂 Cute and funny at the same time!
My daughter is sitting behind me giggling and asking how we can do this to her hair. SO cute!
Love this! You amaze me, Rebecca! Can’t wait to try this on my girls.
That’s too cute.
hi Rebecca 🙂 Since Facebook is notorious for not letting page owners know when I tag them, I thought I would stop by myself and let you know I featured this post and my readers loved it!
So cute! Thanks, girl. 🙂
Rebecca this is adorable – I wish my girls were young enough – thank goodness I have nieces !!