The important conversation my son initiates right when we’re rushing out the door, the happy baby covered in the cornstarch she just dumped all over the kitchen floor (and herself!), the smell of spring flowers drifting across our front yard…
These are the moments I want to make time for.
But as we all know, carving out time and attention for the things that really matter isn’t as easy as it sounds.
I talk a lot about keeping things simple, here at Simple As That. Am I perfect at it? No. But I’m constantly trying to learn and incorporate new ideas to help me simplify and keep my life organized. Here’s a list of amazing resources that I’ve either read and loved, or am anxiously waiting to read.
12 Powerful Books to Help You Live More Simply
On Organization
- Clutter Free | Kathi Lipp
- Eat that Frog | Brian Tracy
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up | Marie Kondo
On Intentional Living
- Hands Free Life | Rachel Macy Stafford
- The Crossroads of Should and Must | Elle Luna
- Simple Tuesday: Small Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World | Emily P. Freeman
- The Fringe Hours | Jessica N. Turner
On Minimalism & Simple Living
- SLOW: Simple Living for a Frantic World | Brooke McAlary
- Essentialism | GregMcKeown
- The Joy of Less | Francine Jay
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less | Greg Mckeown
- Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time | Brigid Schulte
- Savoring Slow | Shawn Fink
I hope these books lead each of us to both inspiration and practical application—helping us live with fewer distractions and more meaning.
Do you have any more favorites to add to this list?

I have started reading Hands Free Life. I read Rachel’s blog regularly. Love it! I read most of Marie Kondo’s book and found some good ideas in it. Thanks for the other recommendations!
Hi, thanks for the list. I only knew of four of these books, the other eight are new to me. Thanks for the recommendations 🙂
Just as a side comment, I wear glasses and found the pale green writing on the white background very hard to read. Thankfully it turned black when I hovered over the links. It’s a nice shade of green but maybe a little darker would be easier to see.
how about the books by The Minimalists – Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus – Everything that Remains, Essential, and Minimalism
I loved The More of Less and I am dying to read Essentialism and The Crossroads… I love Elle Luna. Her interview about that same topic on The Unmistakable Creative Podcast was amazing. These are great recommendations!
I loved Simply Tuesday and The Fringe Hours. I also appreciated the concept of sparking joy from The Life Changing Magic.
I read Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner this year and loved it!
Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist is also really good.
I have read a few of these… Joy of Less, More of Less, Essentialism … were all good. I also liked The Minimalist’s Everything that Remains. Haven’t read others of theirs.
Adding some of the list to my reading list. Thanks!
Also I am curious if anyone knows of similar idea books geared towards elementary age kids?
Just pinned this post! Can’t wait to start reading these! Thank you so much for this great list!
I love the book “Soulful Simplicity”. Beautiful story on focusing on what is most important in life and letting go of things that steal time, energy and money.