I have the privilege of working with a fun group of 9-11 year old girls in our church, including my 11 (almost 12) year old daughter Emily and I feel so blessed to be her leader right now. Every other Wednesday we get together for what’s called Activity Days. We play games, learn new skills, do crafts and just have a lot of fun together! It is such a pleasure to watch these girls grow in the gospel and to help them accomplish the goals they’re working on to earn their Faith in God award.
While brainstorming ideas for upcoming activities one day, most of the girls in our group of 13, expressed interest in learning more about babysitting. These girls are quickly approaching babysitting age and are all quite excited about the possibility of starting to babysit for their friends and family!
We got to work planning a few activities that centred around babysitting. We spread things out over two weeks where we did a little crash babysitting course with the girls, put together babysitting kits and decorated tote bags to keep their kits in.
I recruited my talented friend Crystal Wilkerson to help me with this activity and together we came up with a number of printables to create a simple babysitting kit.
I wanted to share these fun printables with you so that if you have a daughter, grand-daughter or niece or if you’re in Activity Days yourself, you can put together your own babysitting kits quickly and easily! Download the printables listed below here on my blog and watch for more printables to add to the kit coming to Crystal’s site next week!
Babysitting Kit Printables include:
How to be a Great Babysitter Tips
Safety Tips While Babysitting
Important Information Forms
Fun Games to Play While Babysitting
Ideas for What to Add to Your Babysitting Kit
Memory Match Game
Babysitting Kit Folder Labels
Wording used with permission from LDS Activity Days Ideas Blog.
Our oldest daughter just went through the babysitter training class, this is awesome!
We have yet to take the official babysitting course Brenda, thanks for the reminder to get my oldest signed up for that! 🙂 Glad you like the babysitting kit!
One of my daughters just started to babysit…these are awesome!
This is so cute! Thanks for it linking it up to The Creative Collection!
I just noticed in the Fun Games To Play handout there is a typo. For the sock game it says insie instead of inside 🙂 Just wanted to let ya know 😉 Everything is still very cute and SOO handy! Thank you very much!
This is such a great idea – thanks for sharing!!
This is fantastic, Rebecca! Adorable AND helpful! Love it!
Such a cute printable set! What a wonderful gift to give to a tween girl – would be fun to pair with some classic young adult fiction books about babysitting! Thanks for sharing ~ Erika @ Yay for Handmade!
REBECCA!!!! I saw your pretty face when I went to pin this post on Pinterest! Your blog is so darling. Kristi was telling me about your blog but I didn’t know what it was called. I’m your newest follower!!!
Thanks for linking up to the Tip Me Tuesday linky party! {knuckle bumps} Did you know that I can “lend” your blog posts my Google page rank for better search engine traffic? {fabulous} If you upload at least 2 images, 2 steps, and blog post URL into your Tip Junkie craft room, you’ll be in business! {wink} ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!
Would you be able to email this to me? My work computer will not open the link to download due to security blocks. Thank you!
I can’t believe I came across this! I, too am an Activity Days leader over the 10 & 11 yr old girls and this is JUST what I was looking for. This week we spoke about expectations of a babysitter and how to be a good one. In 2 wks we will be decorating babysitting bags that I bought from Oriental Trading Company. These pages you created are exactly what I wanted to add to them, in addition to whatever fun activities each girl wants to add to theirs to use with the children they babysit.
You saved the day! I am trying to set up my 2nd grade classroom and I am so relieved to check this off my list. THANK YOU!!!
Could you email these files? I can’t get them from media fire. Thank you!!
Just did this with my 11 yr old girls for Activity Days! They LOVED it!! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much! My activity girls will love this. Doing this today and making play dough 🙂
Such a fun idea to do the play dough Ashley! Glad the printables are helpful. 🙂
LOVE the babysitting kit prinables. They are awesome. But, I am not able to download them. Would it be possible to have someone email them to me? Thanks. 🙂
Thanks for sharing the great printables. I’m doing a babysitting unit in my Activity Days and I’ll be using these.
Very cute ideas… Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I recently got the same calling and am putting together a similar activity. Thought I’d check what was out there before I made my own. Thanks so much for the useful information and printables!!!! My girls are gonna love the additions we got from your site.
Thanks so much for sharing this! I’m planning a very similar activity day. Also, Crystal is in my ward and I love her but I had no idea she did this.
I just wanted to thank you so much for having everything ready in an easy to do kit. I am doing it today with my 10 and 11 year old Activity day girls. We are going to talk about safety, put together a flannel board game, and actually play a few of the games you suggested. It should be a blast! Thanks for making my life so much easier!
I know this is old, but I can’t get the printable to download. Is there any way you have a file you could email? My beehives want to make a babysitting packet and this would be perfect!