I’m excited to announce a very special project I’ve been working on in collaboration with Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist, Tsh Oxenreider of The Art of Simple, and Brian Gardner of No Sidebar.
Simplify Magazine is a new, quarterly publication designed to help families focus on the things that matter most.
The first issue is available now for FREE and is centered around happiness, and how we can design a life of joy for our families. Upcoming issues will cover health and wellness, stress and overwhelm, decluttering, finances and debt, gratitude and more.
By signing up today, the only commitment you are making is to receive our first issue free of charge. That’s it—nothing more, nothing less. It’s amazing and I know you will love it!
Click here to receive our first issue for free.
New issues will be available September 1st, December 1st, and March 1st. Individual issues will be $6, and yearly subscriptions will be $20 – that’s a 20% savings.
But we’ve got a very special offer for you…
You can sign up for a lifetime membership to Simplify Magazine for just $20!
Congratulations, Rebecca. I love the magazine – and Tsh is very special to me, for obvious reasons. 🙂
I’m a lifetime subscriber. Can’t wait to keep reading!